The English Book Club
The English Book Club

Let’s celebrate pride month!

Pride month sets the theme for this summer term’s June discussion session on June 15, 2023:

Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas
Gender Queer: A Memoir by Maia Kobabe

Thomas’s 2020 YA novel follows a latinx trans boy engaging with the Mexican death culture and features actual magic. Kobabe’s 2019 graphic novel shows the author’s own journey to their non-binary gender identity and has been at the heart of the ongoing U.S. censorship debate. We will discuss the texts with regards to their forms of story-telling and in context of the LGBTQ+ struggles.

If these two queer texts seem not quite enough to you, check out LGBTQ Reads, “a site dedicated to promoting curated LGBTQIAP+ literature for all ages”, and the book lists of the American Library Association’s Rainbow Book Month, “a […] celebration of the authors and writings that reflect the lives and experiences of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, pansexual, genderqueer, queer, intersex, agender, and asexual community.”

Summer Term 2023

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