Those who are born2read enjoy literature in all its forms but, arguably, its most beautiful form has a shiny cover, coloured end papers, and pages smelling faintly of their wooden origin. We love books. And there are exciting news for all book lovers because PADERBORN2READ—The English Book Club is starting a new collaboration with Linnemann—Bücher und mehr. The family-run bookshop Linnemann is located in the Südring shopping centre directly next to Paderborn University’s campus and has a diverse assortment including a large section of English books. Soon, this section will feature our books of choice.

Beginning with the upcoming winter term 2023/2024, Linnemann will be stocking up on our book club’s reading selection and dedicate a small shelf space to a PADERBORN2READ selection display.
Our club members will delight in simply going to Linnemann at the beginning of each term and pick up the complete bundle of books for this term’s reading rather than ordering and collecting in two visits or ordering online and receiving five books in five parcels from companies that probably do not even care much for books.
Other book shoppers might happen across the peculiar shelf of current bestsellers, classic literature and the odd graphic novel, slightly confused about this mixture at first but possibly interested in our book club once they have spotted our poster. We warmly welcome people interested in joining our discussions both from Paderborn University and from off campus.
And hopefully Linnemann will register good sales of English books in part due to our reading selection.
This bookish collab could be a win-win-win. 🎉 🎉 🎉
PADERBORN2READ—The English Book Club wants to thank Linnemann—Bücher und mehr for the chance to give this collaboration a try. We are looking forward to connecting over our shared love for books and to creating a lively exchange!